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The Conspirituality Report
Deplatformed for Anti-Vax Propaganda, Sayer Ji Turns to Satanic Panic Content
Disinformation Dozen leader “interviews” Cathy O’Brien

Sayer Ji, founder of alt-health pseudoscience website GreenMedInfo, and husband of COVID-contrarian “holistic psychiatrist” Dr. Kelly Brogan, has recently been deplatformed from mainstream social media, and is turning more explicitly towards QAnon-adjacent content.
In addition to sharing content from QAnon bleach-cure promoter Jordan Sather on his Telegram channel, Ji has referred to child vaccination trials as “child sacrifice”, and published an “interview” with conspiracy theorist Cathy O’Brien. In the video, O’Brien recites, uninterrupted, the talking points from her self-published 1995 book TRANCEformation of America.
O’Brien’s book reads like a rambling screenplay for a Satanic Panic version of Forrest Gump. Without offering any documentation, O’Brien claims a front seat to world events from the 1960s onwards, as she is sex-trafficked by her father, by Senator Robert Byrd, and a Philippines-based CIA operative to a bilateral Satanic Cabal including Gerald Ford, Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, Manuel Noriega, Lamar Alexander, Reagan’s drug czar Bill Bennett, Dick…