The Conspirituality Report

Guru Jagat Mourned in Person with Breathing Exercises, No Masks

Ongoing vigil violates LA County mask ordinance

Matthew Remski
2 min readAug 9, 2021


From an 8.8.2021 Griggs memorial class led by Gurujas, a leading teacher at Ra Ma Institute.

Members of the RA MA Institute in Venice, California have been gathering in person over the past week for multiple daily sessions to mourn the death of the Institute’s co-founder, Katie Griggs, also known as Guru Jagat. Some livestreams show dozens of attendees sitting shoulder to shoulder, without masks.

The gatherings ignore the Los Angeles County Public Health ordinance issued July 31st, which states that “because the County is currently experiencing high rates of COVID-19 community transmission, all persons, in indoor public and business settings, must wear a face mask regardless of vaccination status.”

On August 8, LA County Public Health reported over 3000 new COVID cases. Test positivity and hospitalization rates are both increasing rapidly.

The celebrations dedicated to Griggs involve chanting, rhythmic hyperventilation, and forced laughing. These are standard within Kundalini Yoga, which Griggs taught. While said to have ancient roots, these exercises were repurposed by Kundalini Yoga founder and serial sexual assaulter Yogi Bhajan in the early 1970s.

